Once you flipped the switch, feel free to play around!
Zoom in & out using your mouse wheel or touch screen. Then try turning the scene upside down by dragging it with your mouse button pressed or just clicking on things.
Your keyboard can also help you here. Use your arrow keys to change your view. Hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and drag the scene with your mouse to change your position in the room.
Maybe you will find some hidden treasures!
If you get lost, just use the RESET button in the top right corner of your screen 🙂
Hey there,
looks like you opened this page on your phone.
Since this website contains a 3D model the experience will be nicer on a computer. So head over to your laptop and try it there too! 🙂
If your laptop is too far away, flip the switch and put your phone in horizontal mode when needed!
My name is Sandrin and I am a full-stack developer.
To shed some light on my skills and me as a person, flip the switch!